Categories Archives: Vampirismo

Chronology of Vampires.

by Enrico Baccarini©  This is a concise chronology of Vampire compiled for an anthropological study of the phenomenon through the ages, the different cultures and mithology. Was been very interesting to se how Vampires appears in various lore, folklore ...

I Dhampir.

Nelle leggende degli zingari è un uomo nato da donna umana e padre vampiro. Egli, grazie a questa sua discendenza, possiede il potere di combattere ed uccidere tutti i vampiri. Intorno agli anni sessanta del nostro secolo esisteva in serbia un dhampir, M ...

Visum et Repertum (1732).

One of the most important sources for the history of vampirism is the report Visum et Repertum written and attested by military surgeons in Serbia on January 26 1732. It was sent to the authorities in Belgrade and Vienna, and copied by envoys of foreign g ...